Cybersecurity Management

When organisations seek to secure their most vital assets, relying on hope is never going to be enough.

  1. Have we done enough?
  2. Have we spent too much?
  3. Have we shown due diligence?
  4. Is our security robust?

Athene Secure can provide full suite support from a management perspective; procedures, policies, implementation project management, pre- and post-implementation reporting, sense-checking, market appraisal, tool viability and applicability... All of the elements which a busy security team has little time to undertake but which help to make the security function more efficient and effective.

We speak the language of business. We can help to formulate a message to support proposals for additional resource (without the usual veiled threats and fearmongering - a cybersecurity investment works best when it is made clearly and neither party feels unnecessarily compelled to act).

Use Athene Secure as your 'flexible friend' for all of your cybersecurity needs, to provide ad hoc support when you need it for everything "cybersecurity".

Cybersecurity management with Athene Secure